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In What Locations Can Byzantine Art Be Found

Question: In what locations can Byzantine art be found?


Question: Why do you think it was considered a disgrace to depict the crucifixion of Christ in early Christian art? Why do you think they changed to include these images again?

Answer: I think they changed to include these images again because they want everyone to feel like they belong some where.

Question: What was Christian art like before the Edict of Milan?


Question: Describe Christian art after the Edict of Milan. List two examples of Christian art created after the Edict or during the Byzantine period.


Question: What is displayed in the picture above? Describe the subject matter and design included in this piece.


Question: Why did Christian art become publicly accepted during the third century?

Answer: In 313, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan granting all people in the Roman Empire freedom to worship whatever god they wished. Because Christians could worship freely, Christian art could now also be shown publicly.

Question: Name and explain the meaning of each of the three Jewish symbols below.

Answer: #1: Menorah - It is a symbol of paradise and the end of exile for the Jewish people. #2: Ram’s Horn - It was considered sacred and used during ceremonial occasions. #3: Citron - It symbolized prosperity and good fortune for harvest.

Question: Which Jewish example of art is pictured above? Describe its artist elements and subject matter.

Answer: This is the Wall of Torah Niche. It depicts a story form the Jewish Torah (sacred scripture). The wall depicts common stories to the Jewish people. The artist has used strong outlines and flat colors.

Question: Name the painting displayed above. Describe its artistic characteristics and the subject matter.


Question: Name this piece of art from the Middle Byzantine period. Describe the characteristics of art during this period.
