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Insecticides Would Be Most Useful In Combating

Question: Combining chemical treatment and ecological control to manage pests is known as _________ pest management.

Answer: integrated

Question: Herbicides would be most useful in combating

Answer: weeds that infect our agricultural fields.

Question: Insecticides would be most useful in combating

Answer: mosquitoes that spread malaria.

Question: Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, such as DDT, _________.

Answer: are noteworthy because of their persistence in the environment

Question: DDT saved millions of lives by controlling disease-causing insects.


Question: Insecticides vary in their toxicity to mammals.


Question: A pesticide biomagnifies in the food chain as follows: plankton → yellow perch → double-crested cormorant. Which organism will have the highest concentration of the pesticide in its tissues?

Answer: double-crested cormorant

Question: What is the difference between bioaccumulation and biomagnification?

Answer: Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of small amounts of a substance within an individual organism, whereas biomagnification refers to the compounding of accumulation through a food chain.

Question: DDT is still used today in many parts of Africa to help control what disease?

Answer: malaria

Question: The evolution of pesticide resistance, resurgence, and secondary-pest outbreaks are only some of the problems that result from reliance on

Answer: pesticides, creating a never-ending pesticide treadmill requiring new pest-fighting strategies.