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Insensible Fluid Loss Refers To Water Lost Through

Question: Proportion of water to body weight to be expected in a healthy male adult

Answer: 60%

Question: Proportion of blood to body weight in an adult males’s body

Answer: 10%

Question: Insensible fluid loss refers to water lost through

Answer: Perspiration only

Question: When the osmotic pressure of the blood is elevated above normal water would shift from

Answer: The interstitial compartment into the cells

Question: Result from a deficit of plasma proteins

Answer: Decreased osmotic pressure

Question: A cause of edema

Answer: increased capillary permeability

Question: Elevated hematocrit reading could lead to

Answer: fluid deficit

Question: Typical sign of dehydration

Answer: rough oral mucous

Question: Decreased circulating blood volume and excess fluid in a body can lead to

Answer: Hypovolemia

Question: Primary cation in the extracellular fluid

Answer: sodium