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Installment Plan Definition Us History

Question: impressment

Answer: the forcible seizure of men for military service. War of 1812 issue with Britain.

Question: incandescent

Answer: giving off visible light as a result of being heated. Edison’s light bulb.

Question: income tax

Answer: a tax on earnings/wages

Question: indentured servant

Answer: a person who has contracted to work for another for a limited period, often in return for travel expenses, shelter, and sustenance. Colonial period.

Question: Indian Removal Act

Answer: a law, enacted in 1830, that forced Native American peoples east of the Mississippi to move to lands in the West. Andrew Jackson.

Question: Industrial Revolution

Answer: the change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of hand tools with machines; development of large-scale industrial production.

Question: Industrial Workers of the World

Answer: a labor organization for unskilled workers, formed by a group of radical unionists and socialists in 1905.

Question: inflation

Answer: an increase in prices or decline in purchasing power caused by an increase in the supply of money. Too much money/too few goods.

Question: INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty.

Answer: a 1987 agreement between the US and Soviet Union that eliminated some weapons systems and allowed for on-site inspection of military installations.

Question: installment plan

Answer: an arrangement in which a purchaser pays over an extended time, without having to put down much money at the time of purchase.