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Insurance Information Should Be Collected On The First Visit

Question: clean

Answer: A(n) __________ claim has been completed accurately and completely.

Question: False, Claims submitted with incorrect or missing information (dingy or dirty claims) are returned for additional information by the payer. This delays reimbursement, but the claim can be resubmitted.

Answer: Dirty claims cannot be resubmitted.

Question: False, Direct billing is a method of electronic claims submission in which computer software allows a provider to submit an insurance claim directly to an insurance carrier for payment.

Answer: Claims that are done by direct billing first go to a clearinghouse.

Question: copy

Answer: The medical assistant should __________ the front and back of the patient’s insurance card.

Question: True, It is important to have a patient’s insurance information so that eligibility can be determined.

Answer: Insurance information should be collected on the first visit.

Question: True, it is important to make sure all information is correct.

Answer: The insurance claim should always be proofread.

Question: rejection

Answer: The medical assistant should do everything possible to prevent claim __________.

Question: False, The accounts receivable is the amount of money that all patients owe the physician.

Answer: In the physician’s office, the accounts payable is the amount of money that all patients owe the physician.

Question: receivable

Answer: Amounts owed to the physician are accounts _____________.

Question: payable

Answer: Accounts __________ are debts incurred but not yet paid.