I Hate CBT's

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Itchy Elevated Areas With An Irregular Shape

Question: Macules (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: a discolored but neither raised nor depressed spot or area on the skin..such as a freckle

Question: Papules (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: hardened red elevations , solid, elevated spot or area on the skin . such as a pimple

Question: Vesicles* (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: blister; a sac full of water or tissue fluid, such as poson oak or ivy

Question: Bulla (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: a large blister containing a watery fluid, similar to a vesicle but larger, such cases of second degree burns

Question: Pustules (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: pus filled sacs, such as those seen in acne, or pimples

Question: Wheals (Primary Skin Lesions)

Answer: itchy, elevated areas with an irregular shape; hives and insect bites are examples

Question: Scales (Secondary Skin Lesions)

Answer: Shedding, dead cells of the upper most layer of the epidermis, such as psoriasis, or oil, such as dandruff

Question: Crusts (Secondary Skin Lesions)

Answer: dried masses that are the remains of an oozing sore, such as a scab

Question: Excoriations (Secondary Skin Lesions)

Answer: Mechanical abrasions to the epidermis. Ex. scratches, abrasions, chemical or thermal burns

Question: Fissures (Secondary Skin Lesions)

Answer: cracks in the skin, such as chapped lips