Laboring Classes Ap World History
Question: In what ways did the Industrial Revolution mark a sharp break with the past? In what ways did it continue earlier patterns?
Answer: Break with Past: News jobs and respect for women, a larger middle class, industry, new socialist ideas, hierarchies, belief that things could be improved
Continuities: continued population growth, patriarchy, social inequality
Question: Why did the industrialization first occur in Europe?
Answer: It started in Britain because of its advanced industries at the time, their innovation, aristocratic encouragement. It provided incentive to counter competing states
Question: Some believed that European culture was inherently suited to industry and technology. What argument or arguments countered this idea?
Question: Describe the environmental impact of the Industrial Revolution
Answer: New industrial fuels such as coal and oil replaced the old —> massive pollution rise
New industry also altered the landscape and ecosystems. It affected humans as well - pollution, odors, and smoke caused many new illnesses and widespread sickness in people living around industrial areas.
Question: What are some of the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Answer: Environmental degradation
Political structure was changed
Government now favored men of business -
New industry and innovations increased the amount of infrastructure
The laboring class suffered the most as factories grew in the name of economic growth (poor working conditions)
Question: What is the explanation or explanations for why Britain was the first European country to industrialize?
Answer: political stability
raw materials
banking system
transportation system
Question: How did contact with other civilizations contribute to Europe’s Industrial Revolution?
Answer: It created competition, and an incentive for Europe as other places began to prosper
Question: How did the Industrial Revolution solve the emerging energy crisis of the 18th century?
Answer: The use of nonrenewable resources such as coal, gas, etc. created a surplus of energy and could use them in large quantities as well as for cheap.
Question: Identify the world’s first industrial society
Answer: Britain
Question: The source of wealth among the British aristocracy of the 19th century primarily came from what?
Answer: agricultural based colonies, farms, etc.