Labster Acids And Bases Answers

Question: What was transferred from the hydrochloric acid to the water molecule?

Answer: H+

Question: Based on what you have seen, which is the best definition for an acid?

Answer: Acids donate protons in aqueous solution

Question: What results from a reaction of a base (NaOH) and a hydronium ion (H3O+)?

Answer: 2 H2O and Na+

Question: So what is the definition of a base?

Answer: Bases accept protons

Question: What makes an acid acidic?

Answer: Chemical structure

Question: Which unit is used to express the acidity of an acid or alkaline solution?

Answer: pH

Question: What precautions should you take when working with strong acids and bases?

Answer: Always wear goggles and gloves

Question: What is the pH of water?

Answer: 7

Question: If you have a glass of pure water, without any acids or bases, how many hydronium ions

(H3O+) do you expect?

Answer: The same number as OH-

Question: Remember the Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases? What is water according to this definition?

Answer: An acid and a base

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