Level 1 Certified Alarm Technician Test Answers
Question: Objectives of an Alarm
Answer: 1. Deter an event from happening
2. Warn occupants when an event happens
3. Minimize threat to life and property
4. Summon appropriate aid
Question: Well-recognized RTLs
Answer: Recognized Testing Laboratory
UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
2. FM (Factory Mutual)
Question: Fully Redundant
Answer: All monitoring equipment has a “hot back-up”
Three levels of backup power
Question: Requirements of a listed facility
Answer: 1. Independent Annual Inspections
2. Fully Redundant
3. Staffing Levels
4. Records Maintenance and 1 year history storage minimum
Question: SIAC
Answer: Security Industry Alarm Coalition
501(c)(6) not for profit
one voice for dispatch issues
funded by donations
instrumental in bridging the gap between the industry and the police
Question: False Dispatch Error
Answer: A cooperative effort between FARA and ESA that predicates the “average” # of responses per system per year. # of dispatches/# of monitored systems.
Question: ECV
Answer: Enhanced Call Verification
telephone verification of alarm calls for burglart/intrusion calls
Question: CP-01 Control Panel Standard
Answer: Industry Standard
No add’l cost to customer & commonly available to manufacturers
Designed to reduce high incidence of user error
40% effective
Required by many municipalities and in some states
Question: Induction
Answer: influence exerted on a charged body or by magnetic field on neighboring bodies without apparent communication.
Question: Forms of energy that produce electricity?
Answer: 1. Mechanical Energy
2. Chemical Energy
3. Light Energy
4. Heat Energy