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Level F Unit 3 Vocab Answers

Question: abominated

Answer: It may be an exaggeration to say that American architect Frank Lloyd Wright … classical European building designs, but he certainly deviated from them.

Question: tenuous

Answer: Peace negotiations between the two countries were already … when the border dispute broke out.

Question: nominal

Answer: Although the Queen or King is the … head of state, the Prime Minister is the real leader of the British Government.

Question: ascribing

Answer: You are following an all too familiar pattern in … your failures to everyone except yourself.

Question: inadvertent

Answer: An experienced politician always tries to avoid making … remarks that may offend some voters.

Question: sangfroid

Answer: It is only in my fantasies that I display the … associated with movie heroes who are “as cool as a cucumber”.

Question: proclivity

Answer: I learned that I would have to make a choice between my strong aversion to hard work and my equally strong … for expensive living.

Question: sedition

Answer: Our military is prepared to deal with external aggression, but our best defense against … at home is the loyalty of the American people.

Question: Peculation

Answer: … was a common offense among Roman provincial governors, who, when asked how that made their fortunes, often replied, “In the provinces.”

Question: vitriolic

Answer: The sordid and … language from both candidates is offensive and takes the focus away from the issues.