I Hate CBT's

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Level G Unit 2 Vocab

Question: Accost

Answer: (v) approach and speak to first; confront in a challenging or aggressive way

S: buttonhole, approach, confront

A: evade, avoid, shun

Question: Animadversion

Answer: (n) a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval

S: rebuke, reproof

A: praise, compliment

Question: Avid

Answer: (adj) desirous of something to the point of greed; intensely eager

S: keen, enthusiastic, grasping

A: reluctant, indifferent, unenthusiastic

Question: Brackish

Answer: (adj) having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink

S: briny, saline

A: fresh, clear, sweet

Question: Celerity

Answer: (n) swiftness, rapidity of motion or action

S: promptness, alacrity, speed

A: slowness, sluggishness, dilatoriness

Question: Devious

Answer: (adj) straying or wandering from a straight or direct course; done or acting in a shifty or underhand way

S: roundabout, indirect, tricky, sly, artful

A: direct, straightforward, open, aboveboard

Question: Gambit

Answer: (n) in chess and opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of a minor piece in order to gain a later advantage; any opening move of this type

S: ploy stratagem, ruse, maneuver

Question: Halcyon

Answer: (n) a legendary bird identified with the kingfisher; (adj) of or relating to the halcyon; calm, peaceful; happy, golden; prosperous, affluent

S: tranquil, serene, placid, palmy

A: turbulent, chaotic, tumultuous

Question: Histrionic

Answer: (adj) pertaining to actors and their techniques; theatrical, artificial; melodramatic S: affected, stagy

A: low-keyed, muted, untheatrical, subdued

Question: Incendiary

Answer: (adj) deliberately setting or causing fires; designed to start fires; tending to sir up strife or rebellion; (n) one who deliberately sets fires, arsonist; one who cases strife