Lymphoid Tissue Hanging From The Lower Portion Of The Cecum

Question: Functions of the Lymphatic System

Answer: 1) Absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and transport them to the cells, 2) Return cell waste products and excess fluid from the tissues to the circ system, 3) Serve as an important part of the immune system

Question: Intercellular fluid (aka interstitial fluid) (aka tissue fluid)

Answer: -plasma that flows out of capillaries into space between cells; -carries: FOOD, OXYGEN, and HORMONES

Question: Lymph fluid

Answer: IC fluid as it returns to the veins; removes wastes from cells; filtered by lymph nodes then returned to circ system

Question: Right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct

Answer: empty lymph into veins in the upper thoracic region

Question: Lacteals

Answer: specialized lymph capillaries located in the villi of the small intestine; fats and fat-soluble vits are absorbed and carried into the bloodstream

Question: Tonsils

Answer: Masses of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring around the nose and upper throat

Question: Vermiform appendix

Answer: lymphatic tissue that hangs from the lower portion of the cecum (large intestine); protects against the entry of invaders through the digestive system

Question: Peyer’s patches

Answer: small bundles of lymphatic tissue located on the walls of the ileum of the small intestine

Question: Adenoids (aka nasopharyngeal tonsils)

Answer: located in the nasopharynx

Question: Palatine tonsils

Answer: located in the part of the throat that is visible through the mouth

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