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M Commerce Is Facilitated Primarily By

Question: This term refers to the practical applications of science and knowledge to commercial and organizational activities.

Answer: Technology.

Question: The use of publicly accessed servers to store users’ text photos, videos and other data at remote sites, rather than on their own computers is called:

Answer: Cloud computing.

Question: The self-reinforcing feature of technology means that:

Answer: Technology acts as a multiplier to encourage is own faster development.

Question: In the nomadic-agrarian phase of technology in society, people:

Answer: Both A and B, but not C.

Question: The phase of technology that focuses on building material goods and manual labor is:

Answer: Industrial.

Question: Which of the following is not true about the service phase of technology?

Answer: It dominated from 1900 to 1960.

Question: The information phase of technology primarily requires:

Answer: Intellectual and electronic skills.

Question: The place where information is stored, ideas are described, and communication takes place in and through an electronic network of linked systems is called:

Answer: Cyberspace

Question: We are currently in which phase in the development of technology?

Answer: Semantic.

Question: A technological application that uses biological systems or living organisms to make or modify products or processes for specific use is called:

Answer: Biotechnology