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Ma2 Advancement Exam Study Guide

Question: USADIC Policy, AR 600-20, Along with what other publication address the requirements for collecting and preserving sexual assault case evidence?

Answer: DODI 6495.02

Question: Which form should be used to document and submit evidence to the Division Of Forensic Toxicology Laboratory?

Answer: AFMES Form 1323

Question: Which term describes the magnitude, direction, and intensity of fire spread?

Answer: Fire Behavior

Question: Which Temperature does glass begin to melt at?

Answer: 1200F

Question: What should be used by all personnel when conducting evidence collection to reduce the risk of evidence contamination?

Answer: PPE (personal protective equipment)

Question: Which type of evidence includes any item containing blood, semen, hair, saliva, or skin tissue?

Answer: Biological

Question: When combing hair to collect samples how many hair strands at a minimum are considered to be minimum acceptable sample?

Answer: 25

Question: Within how many hours should investigators collect and submit controlled samples of blood and urine to test for drugs?

Answer: 72

Question: Which Type of material is used to spread or increase the rate of burning?

Answer: Accelerant

Question: How many milliliters of liquid blood are typically required for a laboratory DNA examination?

Answer: 5