Macbeth Act 1 Questions
Question: What is the point of the first scene in reference to the whole play?
Answer: It sets an evil over the whole play; they are going to bring about Macbeth’s destruction
Question: What does Duncan call Macbeth when he hears that Macbeth has defeated Macdonwald?
Answer: A valiant cousin, worthy gentleman
Question: Who is sentenced to death?
Answer: Thane of Cawdor
Question: What do the witches predict in Act 1, Scene 3 for Macbeth? For Banquo?
Answer: Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor, and king. Banquo is lesser than Macbeth yet greater, he won’t be king but his sons will.
Question: What news does Ross bring Macbeth?
Answer: The battle is over and Duncan bestowed him the Thane of Cawdor in addition to having the Thane of Glamis
Question: What does Banquo say about the “instrument of darkness”?
Answer: tell us truth to win us over, and give us little victories/rewards to lead us to greater destruction
Question: Macbeth says “Stars hide your fires/ Let light see my black desires” what desires is he talking about?
Answer: his desire to take over, be king, and get more power
Question: After Lady Macbeth reads his letter, what does she say about her husband and how does she plan to “help” him?
Answer: that he is not ruthless enough to take control of what he wants; and she will talk him into it
Question: What is Lady Macbeth’s prayer to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming?
Answer: for the spirits to make her as cruel and ruthless as she can be
Question: What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home?
Answer: be the perfect host and act innocent but be ready to strike when needed