Macbeth Duncan Quotes
Question: ‘valiant cousin, worthy gentleman’
Answer: Shows Duncan’s benevolence and respect as a king for his Thanes, presenting him to be a good king.
Question: ‘There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face’
Answer: Trusting of other characters - ironic since Duncan could not read the former Thane of Cawdor, but he cannot recognise Macbeth’s hidden desires.
Question: ‘This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself’
Answer: Shows that Duncan thinks highly of Macbeth but is also an example of dramatic irony- although the castle is appealing, this is where Duncan is murdered and betrayed by Macbeth and LM.
Question: ‘Borne his faculties so meek’, ‘naked new-born babe’
Answer: Shows Duncan’s modesty as a king, and the image of a new-born baby suggests purity and innocence.
Question: ‘Silver skin lac’d with his golden blood’
Answer: Emphasises his divinity and suggests he is valuable or precious.