Macbeth Unit Test
Question: Where do the witches say they will meet macbeth?
Answer: Upon the heath-uncultivated plains
Question: How do the witches speak?
Answer: In rhyme,each witch has something to say three times,paradox
Question: Paradox
Answer: statement that seems to contradict itself or to be impossible, but is actually true
Question: What is the meaning of “Fair is Foul,Foul is Fair”
Answer: (witches)(paradox) What is good is bad and what is bad is good
Question: What is the meaning of “When the battle’s lost and won”
Answer: (witches)(paradox) There is always a winner and always a loser in a battle. OR you may win the battle but you lost a piece of yourself
Question: What were the two fighting countries?
Answer: Norway and Scotland
Question: Who is the King of Scotland?
Answer: Duncan
Question: Who is Macdonald? How did he die?
Answer: Macdonald was the leader of Norway. Macbeth was brave and disemboweled him and beheaded him.
Question: How are Duncan and Macbeth related?
Answer: They are cousins
Question: What did Ross reveal?
Answer: Thane of Cawdor is a traitor and gave the title to Macbeth and ordered the execution of the thane of cawdor.