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Macro Photography Often Involves What Type Of Depth Of Field

Question: The amount of magnification gained from the extension tube depends on the focal length of the lens.

Answer: True

Question: Macro shots of flowers typically have a shallow depth of field.

Answer: True

Question: Only pretty objects should be used in macro photography.

Answer: False

Question: Adults’ hands can be photographed engaging in a favorite activity or holding hands with someone.

Answer: True

Question: Rain drops on a flower petal can be a good focal point.

Answer: True

Question: You can create a backdrop for a macro flower photograph with a piece of paper.

Answer: True

Question: Point and shoot cameras cannot take quality close-up photographs.

Answer: False

Question: Macro photography often involves what type of depth of field?

Answer: Shallow

Question: What lighting direction can make a flower’s petals almost glow?

Answer: Backlighting

Question: In extreme close-up photographs what background works best?

Answer: Blurred background