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Macular Degeneration Is Characterized By Loss Of Peripheral Vision

Question: macular degeneration is characterized by loss of peripheral vision

Answer: false

Question: recurrent episodes of otitis media may cause scarring of the tympanic membrane, resulting in hearing loss

Answer: true

Question: some forms of glaucoma are secondary to other disorders, including injury, infection, and surgery

Answer: true

Question: inflammation of inner ear structures is called labyrinthitis

Answer: true

Question: The medical term for stye is hordeolum

Answer: true

Question: exotropia is a condition in which the eyes turn outward, causing a divergent squint

Answer: true

Question: otitis media is characterized by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear

Answer: false

Question: a common cause of nyctalopia is vit D deficiency

Answer: false

Question: a complete loss of hearing is called anacusis

Answer: true

Question: surgical incision of the retina is called keratocentesis

Answer: false