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Mad Bread Shakespeare Definition

Question: bunched-backed

Answer: Having a bunch on the back; crooked. “Bunch-backed toad.” —Shak.

Question: clay-brained

Answer: a. Stupid. [Obs.] —Shak.

Question: dog-hearted

Answer: Inhuman; cruel. —Shak.

Question: empty-hearted

Answer: having an empty heart

Question: evil-eyed

Answer: a look thought capable of inflicting injury or bad luck on the person at whom it is directed.

Question: eye-offending

Answer: which hurts the eyes

Question: fat-kidneyed

Answer: An insult meaning gross and lubberly

Question: heavy-headed

Answer: Dull; stupid.

Question: horn-mad

Answer: furiously enraged; intensely angry

Question: ill-breeding

Answer: badly brought up; lacking good manners