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Spanish Civil War Apush

Question: London Conference

Answer: International economic conference on stabilizing currency that was sabotaged by FDR

Question: Philippines

Answer: Nation to which the U.S. promised independence in the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934

Question: Good Neighbor Policy

Answer: FDR’s repudiation of Theodore Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, stating his intention to work cooperatively with Latin American nations

Question: Neutrality Acts

Answer: A series of laws enacted by Congress in the mid-1930’s that attempted to prevent any American involvement in future overseas wars

Question: Spanish Civil War

Answer: Conflict between the rebel Fascist forces of General Francisco Franco and the Loyalist government that severely tested U. S. Neutrality legislation

Question: Quarantine Speech

Answer: Roosevelt’s 1937 speech that proposed strong U.S. measures against overseas aggressors

Question: Munich Conference

Answer: European diplomatic conference in 1938 where Britain and France conceded to Hitler’s demands for Czechoslovakia

Question: Appeasement

Answer: Term for the British-French policy of attempting to prevent war by granting German demands

Question: Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies

Answer: Leading U.S. group advocating American support for Britain in the the fight against Hitler

Question: America First Committee

Answer: Leading isolationist group advocating that America focus on continental defense and non-involvement with the European war