Squids Are Examples Of ____

Question: mantle

Answer: a membrane that surrounds the internal organs of mollusks with shells, it secreted the shell

Question: radula

Answer: in some snails and mollusks, the rasping, tongue like organ used to drill, scrape, grate, or cut food

Question: open circulatory system

Answer: system where blood moves through vessels into open spaces around the body organs

Question: closed circulatory system

Answer: system in which blood moves through the body enclosed entirely in a series of blood vessels; provides an efficient means of gas exchange within the body

Question: nephridia

Answer: organs that remove metabolic wastes from an animalโ€™s body

Question: setae

Answer: tiny bristles that help segmented worms move by anchoring their bodies in the soil each segment can move the animal along

Question: gizzard

Answer: sac with muscular walls and hard particles that grind soil before it passes into the intestine; common in birds and annelids such as earthworms

Question: Mollusca

Answer: the phylum that mollusks belong to

Question: mollusks

Answer: Slugs, snails, and squids are examples of ______.

Question: bilateral symmetry, a coelom, a digestive tract with two openings, a muscular foot, a mantle

Answer: All mollusks have these 5 things.

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