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Squirrels And Chipmunks Compete For The Same Food Source

Question: Squirrels and chipmunks compete for the same food source. What is MOST LIKELY to happen to the degree of competition between the tow species if their food becomes scarce?

Answer: The competition will increase.

Question: As human travel increases, what is the number of introduced species likely to do?

Answer: The number of species is likely to increase.

Question: What is the name of the symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other is harmed but not immediately killed?

Answer: parasitism

Question: What is the name given to a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit?

Answer: mutualism

Question: What is the relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is not harmed but does not benefit either is called?

Answer: commensalism

Question: Hyenas and lions have fierce battles over food. Which type of relationship does this describe?

Answer: competition

Question: The Remora remora or sucker-fish often attaches to larger organisms such as sharks and whales. This interaction enables the remora to feed on scraps of food that remains from a larger organism’s mean. Typically the larger organism is unaffected and unaware. What type of interaction is this?

Answer: commensalism

Question: Termites are unable to digest some plant materials.(fiber) Termite stomachs contain bacteria that digest fiber in wood. Which type of relationship does this describe?

Answer: mutualism

Question: Which term refers to a change in one species that results from a change in another species that it interacts with?

Answer: Coevolution

Question: Wolves are predators of deer. What is MOST LIKELY to happen to the deer population if the wolf population increased?

Answer: Decrease