I Hate CBT's

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Stage 3 Aging Can Be Described As

Question: Eighty percent of facial aging is caused by cumulative UV exposure referred to as:

a) pollution b) photoaging c) dehydration d) inflammation

Answer: photoaging

Question: Smoking is known to cause: a) dehydration b) thinning of the skin c) increased wrinkling d) increased blood flow

Answer: increased wrinkling

Question: What is the term that refers to factors that are influenced by genetics and hormones?

a) photoaging b) dehydration c) intrinsic aging d) extrinsic aging

Answer: intrinsic aging

Question: Which of the following imbalance effects on the skin is caused by testosterone?

a) increased erythema b) increased facial hair c) increased sensitivity d) decreased lipid production

Answer: increased facial hair

Question: All of the following conditions show signs of sleep deprivation EXCEPT: a) edema around the eyes b) poor texture and color c) increased cell renewal and repair d) increased erythema in some skin tones

Answer: increased cell renewal and repair

Question: The vitamin that protects against UV damage and slows signs of aging is: a) vitamin A b) vitamin C c) vitamin E d) vitamin K

Answer: vitamin A

Question: Which of the following steps would occur first when performing a daily skin care regimen? a) cleanse the skin b) remove makeup c) apply serum d) apply UV protection

Answer: remove makeup

Question: A clay mask is beneficial for which skin condition? a) red, dry skin b) wrinkled, dry skin c) oily, acne-prone skin d) swollen, inflamed skin

Answer: oily, acne-prone skin

Question: Susan is a client who needs to use a moisturizer to help hydrate and smooth her skin. When should she apply the moisturizer during her daily skin care regimen? a) before toner b) after cleansing c) after toner and serum d) before removing makeup

Answer: after toner and serum

Question: How long before sun exposure should a sunscreen product be applied? a) 5 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 30 minutes d) 60 minutes

Answer: 15 minutes