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Stakeholder Theory Suggests That Ethical Corporate Behavior __________.

Question: The Wealth of Nations was written by ____.

Answer: Adam Smith

Question: Federal law and business leaders alike favor _____, as a means of governing private business ethics.

Answer: self-regulation by companies

Question: Which of the following provides the best definition of ethics?

Answer: Ethics is a formal system fro deciding what is right and wrong for justifying moral decisions.

Question: Which is the best definition of “the good”, as defined by philosophers?

Answer: The moral goals and objectives we choose to pursue.


Answer: formalism

Question: Ethical formalists maintain that:

Answer: harm to individuals rights is never justified by an increase in organizational or common good.

Question: The _____ emphasizes consistency and compels a person to act as he believes everyone should act.

Answer: categorical imperative

Question: Who developed the theory of the categorical imperative?

Answer: Immanuel Kant

Question: For Immanuel Kant, to be ethical requires that a person act:

Answer: with good intent

Question: Who developed the social contract theory?

Answer: John Rawls