I Hate CBT's

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Stalwarts Apush

Question: Civil War Pensions

Answer: administered anualy by the government for civil war veterans ; reformers push for old-age pensions

Question: Half-Breeds

Answer: FRACTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY; led by James G Blaine; favored reform; against patronage

Question: Stalwarts

Answer: FRACTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY; led by Roscoe Conkling; favored machine politics; support patronage

Question: Roscoe Conkling

Answer: leader of the Stalwarts

Question: patronage

Answer: if you support a government party, you are rewarded with a government position

Question: James A. Garfield

Answer: nominated and elected as president in the election of 1880- REPUBLICAN; he is a HALF BREED; assassinated because he supported the civil service reform in order to defy the stalwarts! (the stalwarts got angry!)

Question: Chester A. Arthur

Answer: nominated and elected as vice president in the election of 1880- REPUBLICAN; he is a STALWART; after the assassination of Garfield, Arthur passed the pendleton act (1st civil service measure)

Question: “balancing the ticket”

Answer: the republicans nominated both a half-breed and a stalwart in the election of 1880 in order to “balance the ticket” - or get the votes from the supporters of both parties!

Question: Pendleton Act

Answer: 1883- first civil service measure; required federal jobs to be appointed based of a written exam rather than patronage

Question: James G. Blaine

Answer: leader of the Half-Breeds; republican presidential nominee in the election of 1884; LOSES!