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Stamp Act Apush

Question: British Colonial System

Answer: the colonies held the initiative in local affairs, while the Crown reserved the right to veto actions it deemed to be against national interest. Each colony had a Crown/proprietor-appointed governor and a legislature made up of two houses (one elected and one appointed)

Question: proprietary colonies

Answer: colonies owned by and under the authority of persons who had been given a royal charter to own the land

Question: Royal colonies

Answer: colonies that were owned and governed by the King

Question: mercantilism

Answer: an economic system to increase a nation’s wealth by government regulation of all of the nation’s commercial interests

Question: favorable balance of trade

Answer: an economic situation in which a country sells more goods abroad than it buys from abroad. Colonists supplied raw materials to England and bought large amts of England’s manufactured goods in an effort to balance trade

Question: Navigation Acts

Answer: (1660) Laws that governed colonial trade. They controlled exportation of some goods, only to England, and the importation of some goods, only from England. In an effort to create a favorable balance of trade

Question: enumerated articles

Answer: Under the English Navigation Acts, those commodities that could be shipped only to England or other English colonies; originally included sugar, tobacco, cotton, and indigo

Question: Wool, Hat and Iron Acts

Answer: (1699, 1732, 1750) English laws designed to restrict colonial manufacturing, in an effort to create a balance of trade

Question: Molasses Act of 1733

Answer: British legislation which had taxed all molasses, rum, and sugar which the colonies imported from countries other than Britain and her colonies. The British had difficulty enforcing the tax; most colonial merchants did not pay it.

Question: “Salutary neglect”

Answer: England’s policy of looking the other way when Americans violated the Navigation Acts; resulted from complacency and bowing to the inevitable