The Century Poisoned Dreams Answers
Question: What happens in Greensboro, North Carolina?
Answer: Joe McNeil and three other college freshmen “Sit Down” for a cup of coffee and a donut to integrate the lunch counters.
Question: Who said, “The first time I was arrested I was free.”?
Answer: John Lewis
Question: What two things have a powerful effect on white northerners?
Answer: Sit-ins and TV
Question: The shadow of what lingers of the U.S.?
Answer: The Cold War
Question: Who ran in the 1960 election?
Answer: John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon
Question: What kind of people were John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon
Answer: ardent Cold warriors
Question: How did the TV help John F Kennedy’s campaign?
Answer: Hid infectious energy came across to the American public
Question: What kind of people supported Nixon over Kennedy?
Answer: People who listened over the radio
Question: Why do all Americans feel involved in the government after the election of John F Kennedy?
Answer: Younger men in their thirties run the government
Question: Who circles the globe April 12, 1961?
Answer: Yuri Gagarin