The Character Education Approach Advocates That
Question: Persistent low self-esteem is linked with all of the following except:
Answer: high achievement.
Question: _____ means helping people understand what their lives are for and what is worth working for.
Answer: Values clarification
Question: Which of the following is an example of service learning?
Answer: A student volunteers to nurse patients in a hospital.
Question: An important goal of service learning is to:
Answer: motivate students to help others.
Question: By _____, most children accurately identify emotions that are produced by challenging circumstances and describe strategies they might call on to cope with everyday stress.
Answer: 5 years of age
Question: Who developed a theory of moral development according to which internalization plays a key role in the development process of people?
Answer: Lawrence Kohlberg
Question: The character education approach advocates that:
Answer: every school should maintain an explicit moral code that is clearly communicated to students.
Answer: Identity achievement
Question: _____ is Erikson’s first psychosocial stage of development.
Answer: Trust versus mistrust
Question: According to Erikson’s stages of human development, when does an individual undergo the stage of identity versus identity confusion?
Answer: When the individual is in his or her adolescent years