Milady Chapter 17 Test
Question: Finger Waving
Answer: The act of shaping and directing the hair into a pattern of S-shaped waves through the use of the fingers, combs and waving lotion is called
Question: Pliable
Answer: Waving lotion make hair___and keeps it in place during the finger waving prodcedure
Question: Circle
Answer: The part of the pin curl that forms a complete circle is called the
Question: Base
Answer: The stationary, or nonmoving foundation of the curl which is the area close to the scalp is called the
Question: Full-stem curl
Answer: The type of pin curl that permits the greatest amount of movement is called
Question: Open center
Answer: Which type of pin curls produce even, smooth waves and uniform curls
Question: V-shaping
Answer: A section of hair that you mold into a circular movement in prepartation for the formation of curls is called a
Question: Triangular base
Answer: What type of base curl is recommeded along the front or facial hairline to prevent breaks or splits in the finished hairstyle
Question: Square base
Answer: What type of base curl is recommended for curly hairstyles without much volume or lift
Question: Sculptured Curls
Answer: Another name for carved curls is