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Mobile Devices Need To Work Within Limited Screen Space

Question: Video editing software allows professionals to modify a segment of a video, called a clip.

Answer: True

Question: Which of the following increases or decreases how crisp the objects in a photo appear?

Answer: sharpness

Question: Backup tools work with a restore tool.

Answer: True

Question: What kind of application teaches a particular skill?





Answer: educational

Question: Which of the following warns that the computer is infected and needs immediate attention?


FBI consumer alert

virus hoax

web filter

Answer: virus hoax

Question: Many users opt for electronic distribution of documents because it contributes to green computing.

Answer: True

Question: What kind of software assists in the preparation of a will, for example?



document management


Answer: legal

Question: Disc burning software usually includes photo editing, audio editing, and video editing capabilities.

Answer: true

Question: A mobile app designed for an apple iphone will work on an android phone as well

Answer: false

Question: mobile devices typically come pre-installed with standard apps like web browsers, media players, and mapping programs

Answer: True