Moca Certification Test Answers

Question: Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)*

Answer: Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)*

Question: Purpose

Answer: -Screens for a number cognitive assessments

-Subtle impairment


-It assesses different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executivefunctions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation.

Question: Tips

Answer: -Give words and letters at one item per second pace

-Make sure not to signal groupings (saying things in pairs)

-Change tone to indicate completion of lists

-Give cues when it comes to recall (it’s a body part) but not necessary

-give an extra point if the person has 12 or less years of education

Question: Introduction to client

Answer: Hello __________, we are going to be doing some testing of your thinking abilities and your memory. I am just going to ask you to complete several activities and just do the best you can do.

Question: How many years of education you have completed?

12 years or fewer of formal education

Answer: Question 1

Question: Question 2

Answer: Are you wearing glasses or contacts

Question: Beginning test

Answer: This test is called the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the very first item is I would like you to ____________

Question: Alternating Trail Making:

Answer: “Please draw a line, going from a number to a letter in ascending order. Begin here [point to (1)] and draw a line from 1 then to A then to 2 and so on. End here [point to (E)].”

Question: Alternating Trail Making scoring

Answer: Scoring: Allocate one point if the subject successfully draws the following pattern:

1 −A- 2- B- 3- C- 4- D- 5- E, without drawing any lines that cross. Any error that is not

immediately self-corrected earns a score of 0.

Question: Visuoconstructional Skills (Cube):

Answer: For this next one (pointing to the cube): “Copy this drawing as accurately as you can, in the space below”.

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