Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 3 Completing The Sentence

Question: Expiated

Answer: He________the crime committed during his youth by a lifetime of service to humanity.

Question: proclivity

Answer: Since she seems to have a strong _______both for science and service to other, I think that she should plan to study medicine.

Question: seditious

Answer: We Americans do not believe that honest criticism of our public officials, no matter how severe, should be regarded as ______

Question: enjoined

Answer: Declaring the boycott to be illegal, the judge______the labor union from applying it against the emploting firm.

Question: fermenting

Answer: Wines from that part of France are produced by ______the juice of the luscious grapes that grow on the hillsides.

Question: abominate

Answer: No matter what their other likes or dislikes are, all Americans thoroughly______slavery in all its forms

Question: acculturation

Answer: Certain languages such as Afrikaans are the product of _____and were created when two societies merged.

Question: ascribe

Answer: Some people say that they cannot understand her defeat in the election, but I _________it to her failure to discuss the issues in simple, down to earth terms.

Question: nominal

Answer: While he remained the ______leader of the group, the real power passed into the hands of his wily aide.

Question: circuitous

Answer: His line of questioning was so _____ that i began to suspect that he was not sure of what he was trying to prove

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