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Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 9

Question: abate

Answer: (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit

synonyms: diminish, decrease, subside, let up

antonyms: intensify, increase, magnify, wax

Question: adulation

Answer: (n.) praise or flattery that is excessive

synonyms: adoration, idolization, hero-worship

antonyms: ridicule, derision, scorn, odium

Question: anathema

Answer: (n.) an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article)

synonyms: malediction, imprecation, abomination

antonyms: benediction, blessing

Question: astute

Answer: (adj.) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom

synonyms: shrewd, acute, sagacious, judicious, wily

antonyms: obtuse, doltish, empty-headed, dumb

Question: avarice

Answer: (n.) a greedy desire, particularly for wealth

synonyms: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness

Question: culpable

Answer: (adj.) deserving blame, worthy of condemnation

synonyms: guilty, delinquent, peccant, blameworthy

antonyms: blameless, innocent, laudable, meritorious

Question: dilatory

Answer: (adj.) tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone

synonyms: stalling, slow, tardy, laggard

antonyms: prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious

Question: egregious

Answer: (adj.) conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used particularly in an unfavorable sense)

synonyms: glaring, flagrant, blatant

antonyms: unnoticeable, paltry, piddling

Question: equivocate

Answer: (v.) to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous

synonyms: to talk out of both sides of one’s mouth, palter, hedge

antonyms: to speak one’s mind plainly

Question: evanescent

Answer: (adj.) vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy

synonyms: ephemeral, transient, transitory

antonyms: everlasting, immortal, imperishable