Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 10
Question: askance
Answer: (adv.) with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval
syn: distrustfully, suspiciously, skeptically
Question: attenuate
Answer: (v.) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value
syn: thin out, dilute
ant: thicken, strengthen
Question: benign
Answer: (adj.) gentle kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial eggect; not malignant
syn: benevolent, salutary
ant: malevolent, deleterious
Question: cavil
Answer: (v.) to find fault in a petty way, carp; (n.) a trivial objection or criticism
syn: (v.) nitpick, quibble
Question: charlatan
Answer: (n.) one who feigns knowledge or ability; a prentender, impostor, or quack
syn: fraud, mountebank
Question: decimate
Answer: (v.) to kill or destroy a large part of
syn: ravage, devastate
Question: foible
Answer: (n.) a weak point, failing, minor flaw
syn: shortcoming, defect, quirk
ant: forte, virtue
Question: forgo
Answer: (v.) to do without, abstain from, give up
syn: refrain from, renounce
ant: indulge in, partake of
Question: fraught
Answer: (adj.) full of or loaded with; accompanied by
syn: charged with
ant: devoid of, lacking, deficient in
Question: inure
Answer: (v.) to toughen, harden; to render used to something by long subjection or exposure
syn: accustom, acclimate