Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 11
Question: abrogate
Answer: (v.) to repeal, cancel, declare null and void
Question: ambient
Answer: (adj.) completely surrounding, encompassing
Question: asperity
Answer: (n.) roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness
Question: burnish
Answer: (v.) to make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish; (n.) gloss, brightness, luster
Question: cabal
Answer: (n.) a small group working in secret
Question: delectable
Answer: (adj.) delightful, highly enjoyable,; deliciously flavored, savory; (n.) an appealing or appetizing food
Question: deprecate
Answer: (v.) to express mild disapproval; to belittle
Question: detritus
Answer: (n.) loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction
Question: ebullient
Answer: (adj.) overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling
Question: eclectic
Answer: (adj.) drawn from different sources; (n.) one whose beliefs are drawn from various sources