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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 12

Question: aesthetic

Answer: (adj.) pertaining to beauty; sensitive or responsive to beauty

Question: defunct

Answer: (adj.) no longer in existence or functioning, dead

Question: discomfit

Answer: (v.) to frustrate, thrawt, or defeat; to confuse, perplex, or embarrass

Question: espouse

Answer: (v.) to take up and support; to become attatched to, adopt; to marry

Question: fetish

Answer: (n.) an object believed to have magical powers; an object of unreasoning devotion or reverence

Question: gregarious

Answer: (adj.) living together in a herd or group; sociable, seeking the company of others

Question: hapless

Answer: (adj.) marked by a persistent absence of good luck

Question: impeccable

Answer: (adj.) faultless, beyond criticism or blame

Question: importune

Answer: (v.) to trouble with demands; to beg for insistently

Question: interpolate

Answer: (v.) to insert between other parts or things; to present as an addition or correction