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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 13 Synonyms And Antonyms

Question: A FIENDISH interest in death (Syn)

Answer: Ghoulish

Question: The PARCHED desert landscape (Syn)

Answer: Desiccated

Question: ESOTERIC concepts developed by experts (Syn)

Answer: Abstruse

Question: STOOPED to give a few interviews (Syn)

Answer: Deigned

Question: CONSCIOUS of our mutual responsibilities (Syn)

Answer: Cognizant

Question: Disliked for his NIT-PICKING tendencies (Syn)

Answer: Captious

Question: Foiled the SCHEMES of the villain (Syn)

Answer: Machinations

Question: BEGETS mistrust by covering up mistakes (Syn)

Answer: Engenders

Question: Brought SHAME on the whole family (Syn)

Answer: Opprobrium

Question: The JARRING reunion of longtime rivals (Syn)

Answer: Incongruous