Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 14 Completing The Sentence
Question: if you spend all your times on____, you won’t have any left for really important matters.
Answer: minutiae
Question: Suddenly I was overcome by such a feeling of _____ peace that I began to wonder whether I was still on earth.
Answer: beatific
Question: before you dismiss him as just another impractical____, think of how many great inventors were once regarded as mere “cranks.”
Answer: visionary
Question: Though her body had become bent and____with age, her mind was as alert and active as ever.
Answer: wizened
Question: some Civil War generals weren’t professional soldiers and got their jobs through pulling strings and other forms of political____.
Answer: chicanery
Question: Some people enjoy the type of atonal music written by such composers as Arnold Schoenberg; others find it ___.
Answer: cacophonous
Question: only a fool would have succumbed to the cloying____of that smooth-talking rascal!
Answer: blandishments
Question: However much I may dispute your views, I will never _____ your right to hold them.
Answer: gainsay
Question: When it became clear how shamelessly he had treated his brother, he became a virtual ___ in his own family.
Answer: pariah
Question: on the first play, our diminutive quarterback was “sacked” by a veritable____of a linebacker, ominously nicknamed “Bone Crusher.”
Answer: behemoth