Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 14
Question: Beatific
Answer: (adj.) blissful; rendering or making blessed
Question: Behemoth
Answer: (n.) a creature of enormous size, power, or appearance
Question: Blandishment
Answer: (n.) anything designed to flatter or coax; sweet talk, apple-polishing
Question: Cacophonous
Answer: (adj.) harsh-sounding, raucous, discordant, dissonant
Question: Chicanery
Answer: (n.) trickery, deceptive practices or tactices, double-dealing
Question: Consign
Answer: (v.) to give over to another’s care, charge, or control; to entrust, deliver; to set apart for a special use
Question: Coup
Answer: (n.) a highly successful stroke, masterstroke, tour de force, act, plan, or stratagem; a sudden takeover of power or leadership
Question: Euphemism
Answer: (n.) a mild or inoffensive expression used in place of harsh or unpleasant one; a substitute
Question: Fenrile
Answer: (adj.) feverish; pertaining to or marked by fever; frenetic
Question: Gainsay
Answer: (v.) to deny, contridict, controvert; to dispute, oppose