Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 15 Choosing The Right Word
Question: Petty criminals in medieval england were often placed in stocks or (progeny, pillories)and subjected to public humiliation.
Answer: Pillory
Question: There was a loophole in the law, and through this (aperture, obeisance) the defendant escaped the legal consequences of his crime.
Answer: Aperture
Question: Religious (obeisance, dissidence) was one of the motives that led many people to found colonies of America.
Answer: Dissidence
Question: The novel centers on a(n) (improvident, seraphic) young man who squanders his inheritance and dies in the poorhouse.
Answer: Improvident
Question: Like so many others of his generation, he paid unquestioning (iniquity, obeisance) to the accepted symbols of material success.
Answer: obeisance
Question: The cost of living has risen so sharply that a salary that was adequate a decade ago is now no more than a mere (panegyric, pittance).
Answer: pittance
Question: “Angelica” is indeed and apt name for one whose (mutable, seraphic) beauty is complemented by such sweetness of temper.
Answer: Seraphic
Question: Recently, the principal (promulgated, presaged) a new dress code that abolished some of the unnecessary strictness of the old rules.
Answer: promulgated
Question: Specific customs vary widely in different lands, bu the basic (apertures, amenities) of civilized living are much the same everywhere.
Answer: amenities
Question: Writers often regard their works as their (dissidence, progeny) in much the same way as other people regard their pets as family members.
Answer: progeny