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Which Concrete Detail Is Most Relevant To Frederick Douglass'S Autobiography

Question: Which concrete detail is most relevant to Fredrick Douglass’s autobiography?

Answer: My feet have been so cracked with the frost, that the pen with which I am writing might be laid in the gashes.

Question: Which of these phrases uses the most formal diction?

Answer: We were not regularly allowanced

Question: Which of these phrases is the most objective?

Answer: My father immigrated to New York from Italy when he was 20

Question: What is Frederick Douglass’s his tone after he is transferred to Baltimore?

Answer: Grateful

Question: Which of these did Frederick Douglass use in his writing to build credibility or ethos?

Answer: Objectivity

Question: Which is the best example of Frederick Douglass avoiding emotion while writing about an emotional experience?

Answer: I must have perished with cold, but that, the coldest nights, I used to steal a bag which was used for carrying corn to the mill.

Question: Read the following:

“I found no severe trial in my departure.”

What is most clearly shown here?

Answer: Formal diction

Question: Which of these phrases is the most subjective?

Answer: My father looked intimidating when he wore his suit to work

Question: Which of these explains one way that Frederick Douglass made his writing objective?

Answer: By avoiding sentimentality

Question: Read the following:

“I would crawl into this bag, and their sleep on the cold, damp, Clay floor with my head in and feet out”

What is most clearly shown here?

Answer: Imagery