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Which Condition Causes The Stool To Be Gray In Color

Question: Which are the normal features of the spleen?

Answer: It lies under the diaphragm

It lies parallel to the tenth rib

It is a soft mass of lymphatic tissue.

Question: Spleen characteristics 1

Answer: Largest lymphatic organ

Located left upper abdominal quadrant

Supplied by splenic artery

Drained by splenic vein

Surrounded by connective tissue capsule

Question: Spleen characteristics 2


Question: Which test would the nurse use to assess a patient with suspected appendicitis pain?

Answer: Iliopsoas muscle test

Question: appendicitis pain characteristics

Answer: The nurse uses the iliopsoas muscle test when acute abdominal pain is suspected to be because of appendicitis. Inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle occurs with an inflamed or perforated appendix. The patient feels pain in the right lower quadrant during the test.

Question: The scratch test is ?

Answer: a traditional technique that uses auscultation to detect the lower border of the liver

Question: The fluid wave test and the shifting dullness test are used to?

Answer: determine free fluids in the peritoneal cavity

Question: Which stool color is expected for a patient who is taking an iron supplement?

Answer: Nontarry black stool

Question: the nurse would teach the patient to expect nontarry black stool when taking this medication?

Answer: iron supplements

The color and consistency of the stool changes with intake of iron supplements, and the nurse would teach the patient to expect nontarry black stool when taking this medication.

Question: Gray stools occur with?

Answer: Gray stools occur with hepatitis.