Which Condition Is The Most Nutrition Responsive
Question: Which medical conditions would be the most responsive to nutrition intervention?
Answer: Iron- Deficiency, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, hypertension.
Question: How many classes do nutrients fall into? What are they?
Answer: Six; Water, Minerals, Vitamins, Lipids, Carbs, Proteins
Question: What are organic nutrients?
Answer: Carbon containing nutrients/foods
Question: Which nutrients yield energy?
Answer: Carbs, fats, protein
Question: What does essential mean?
Answer: Nutrients the body can’t make for itself from other raw materials.
Question: Fortified
Answer: Vitamins or minerals added to the food that wasn’t there.
Question: Natural
Answer: Food undergone a min or processing or preservatives.
Question: Staple
Answer: Food eaten routinely, dominant portion of diet, energy rich.
Question: Processed
Answer: Contains additives, artificial, chemical ingredients.
Question: Have we met the Healthy People objectives of 2010? If yes, what?
Answer: Some, we have lowered our cholesterol & reduced harm from some food borne infections. We need to work out and eat correct amount of servings.