Which Hospital Department Plays A Primary Role In Disaster Preparedness

Question: Which hospital department play a primary role in disaster preparedness?

Answer: Emergency department

Rationale: The emergency department plays a primary role in emergency disaster preparedness. While all departments in the hospital contribute to disaster planning, the only department that plays a role is the emergency department.

Question: Which method of nursing works well with disaster situations?

Answer: Functional nursing

The functional method of delivering care works well in emergency and disaster situations. Each care provider knows the expectations of assigned role and completes the tasks quickly and efficiently.

Question: Which color tag is used for a client who is expected to die after a disaster with mass casualties?


Question: The nurse is caring for different clients in a mass casualty event. Which client is assigned the lowest priority for care?

Answer: Client with black tag

Rationale: Clients with black tags are expected to die or are already dead; therefore these clients are the lowest priority

Question: After surgical clipping of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm, a client develops the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). What manifestations are exhibited with excessive levels of antidiuretic hormone?

Answer: Hyponatremia and decreased urine output

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) causes water retention, resulting in a decreased urine output and dilution of serum electrolytes.

Question: A nurse is caring for a client who experienced serious burns in a fire. Which relationship between a clientโ€™s burned body surface area and fluid loss should the nurse consider when evaluating fluid loss in a client with burns?

Answer: Directly proportional

Rationale: There is greater extravasation (leakage) of fluid into the tissues as the amount of tissue involved increases.

Question: Which hormone regulates blood levels of calcium?

Answer: Parathormone

Rationale: Parathyroid hormone (PTH), or parathormone, regulates the blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

Question: Which hormone aids in regulating intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption?

Answer: Glucocorticoids

Rationale: Adrenal glucocorticoids aid in regulating intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption by increasing or decreasing protein metabolism

Question: A pregnant client with severe preeclampsia is receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate. What should the nurse keep at the bedside to prepare for the possibility of magnesium sulfate toxicity?

Answer: Calcium gluconate

Rationale: The antagonist of magnesium sulfate is calcium gluconate.

Question: Which electrolyte deficiency triggers the secretion of renin?

Answer: Sodium

Low sodium ion concentration causes decreased blood volume, thereby resulting in decreased perfusion. (water follows sodium)

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