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Which Html Tag Designates Links To Other Web Pages

Question: Which of the following is a markup language?​

Answer: All of the above (D)

Question: In a browser, __________ link to pages that you use frequently.​

Answer: both A and B

(bookmarks and favorites)

Question: A Web _________ is an Internet-based computer that stores Web site content and accepts requests from browsers.​

Answer: server (B)

Question: If you wanted to set the text in a section of your HTML document to italics, what tag would you use?​

Answer: <i> (B)

Question: A(n) ____________ is a company that provides space on a server to house Web pages.​

Answer: Web hosting service (D)

Question: Which HTML tag designates links to other Web pages?​

Answer: <a herf> (D)

Question: Which of the following is NOT an HTTP method?​

Answer: SEND (B)

Question: A link contains the ________ that links to another Web page.​

Answer: URL (B)

Question: A(n) ___________ is a program designed to help people locate information on the Web by formulating simple queries.​

Answer: search engine (B)

Question: If your device will not display a PDF in your browser, you may need to install a browser ________ .​

Answer: plugin (D)