Which Human Geographer Developed The Theory Of Cultural Landscapes
Question: George Perkins Marsh
Answer: Marsh argued that deforestation could lead to desertification. Referring to the clearing of once-lush lands surrounding the Mediterranean, he asserted “the operation of causes set in action by man has brought the face of the earth to desolation almost as complete as that of the moon.”
Question: W.D. Pattison
Answer: He claimed that geography drew from four distinct traditions: the earth-science tradition, the culture-environment tradition, the locational tradition, and the area-analysis tradition.
Question: Carl Sauer
Answer: Geographer from the University of California at Bed defined the concept of cultural landscape as the fundamental un-graphical analysis. This landscape results from interaction between humans and the physical environment. Sauer argued that virtually no land escaped alteration by human activities
Question: Demographic Transition Model
Answer: preindustrial/low education Stage 1, transition/higher formal education Stage 2, transition to professional education Stage 3, zero growth-dependent on immigration Stage 4, reverse growth-too dependent on immigration Stage 5
Question: Thomas Malthus
Answer: Population grows geometrically, while resources grow arithmetically; crisis point when population exceeds carrying capacity; mechanistic, apolitical; ignores distribution problems and technological innovation
Question: Neo Malthusian
Answer: of or relating to Malthus or to his theory that population increases faster than its subsistence and that poverty results
Question: World System Theory
Answer: Central vacuums resources and uses area around for labor core periphery
Question: Rostows Stages of Development
Answer: traditional society Stage 1, preconditions for take-off Stage 2, take-off Stage 3, drive to maturity Stage 4, high mass consumption Stage 5
Question: Least Cost Theory
Answer: Theory that states that to profit well from agriculture the farms must have either a low production cost crop or be as close to market as possible so as to utilize the lowest possible transportation cost.
Question: Von Thunens Theory