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Which Identifies The Main Purpose Of Biological Taxonomy

Question: What is a binomial nomenclature?

Answer: a two word system for naming organisms by using the genus and species

Question: Which evidence did Carl Linnaeus use to classify organisms?

Answer: physical characteristics

Question: Why are some of Carl Linnaeus’s classifications of organisms incorrect?


Question: Why is taxonomy important?

Answer: Taxonomy allows a better understanding of relationships among species.

Question: Which identifies the main purpose of biological taxonomy?

Answer: use a systematic method to name, organize, and show relationships among species

Question: The species that is known as a robin in England has a yellow breast, and another species that is known as a robin in the United States has a red breast. Which statement about common names does this fact best exemplify?

Answer: Different species can share the same common name.

Question: Which taxonomic group includes kingdoms and all other levels of taxonomy?

Answer: domain

Question: Which level of taxonomy has the fewest organisms?

Answer: species

Question: Which type of evidence is least likely to result in changes to a phylogenetic tree?

Answer: physical characteristics

Question: Why is it important to classify the millions of species on Earth?

Answer: to organize them and speak about them accurately