Which If Any Of These Artworks Are Kinetic Sculptures
Question: What is the main difference between the Web and other visual communication design media?
Answer: It’s potential for interactivity.
Question: Which, if any of the following are examples of illuminated manuscripts?
Page from the Koran, probably late 13th century
-Book of the dead of Hunefer: Last Judgment before Osiris.
-Wang Xizhi Because it is a calligraphy
- Dutch History Bible, copied by Gerard Wessels van Deventer in Utrecht.
Answer: Illuminated manuscripts
- Dutch History Bible,
copied by Gerard Wessels van
Deventer in Utrecht.
- Page from the Koran, probably
late 13th century
-Book of the dead of Hunefer: Last
Judgment before Osiris.
Not an Illuminated manuscripts
Wang Xizhi Because it is a calligraphy
Question: Which of the following examples of visual communication design is a logo?
- Black box with orange triangle
- Nike check mark
- Chevy car symbol
- InQuizitvie logo
- Two dolphins logo
- Circle with white and black
Answer: Logo
- Chevy car symbol
- Nike check mark
- Two dolphins logo
- InQuizitvie logo
Not a logo
- Black box with orange triangle
- Circle with white and black
Question: In which of these artworks was the lettering originally created by hand in mirror-writing, rather than type?
Answer: Bal Masque
Picture with Bal masque in bottom right corner
Answer: 1. Mesopotamians
2. 3400
3. Egyptians
4. hieroglyphics
5. papyrus
Question: What is the result when these colors are combined equally in the RGB color system used for electronic displays?
Red+Green =
Green+Blue =
Red + Blue =
Answer: Red + Green = Yellow
Green + Blue = Cyan
Red + Blue = Magenta
Question: What were key elements in Conrad Garner’s design of the Toronto Maple Leafs centennial season-ticket package seen here?
- References to the future
- Innovative typography
- A maple leaf
- A repetitive design to the individual tickets
Answer: Correct:
Key Element
- A maple leaf
- Innovative typography
Not a Key Element
- References to the future
- A repetitive design to the individual tickets
Answer: 1. CMYK
- Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.
2. RGB
- Red, Green, and Blue.
Question: What colors are required to reproduce this painting by Vincent van Gogh in print and on an electronic display?
Electronic Display Offset OR Color Printing Process
Pick what colors from the options below:
Answer: Electronic Display
- (RGB) Red, Green, and Blue
Offset Color Printing Process
- (CMYK) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.