Which Illness Is Not A Long Term Effect Of Alcohol Abuse
Question: Which illness is not a long-term effect of alcohol abuse?
Answer: Ebola.
Question: Which symptom is a sign of alcohol poisoning?
Answer: Irregular breathing.
Question: Someone has been binge drinking.
Which symptom is a sign to call 911 ?
Answer: Clammy, pale, or bluish skin.
Question: Which condition is most likely to result from drinking alcohol?
Answer: Depression.
Question: Which action is an effect of lowered inhibitions?
Answer: Doing or saying things out of line with one’s beliefs or values.
Question: Which factor is the strongest internal influence related to alcohol consumption?
Answer: One’s feelings about oneself.
Question: Which external factor might influence one’s decision to drink alcohol?
Answer: Friends.
Question: What is Alateen’s target audience?
Answer: Teens whose family members are alcoholics.
Question: Which organization provides a recovery program for alcoholics?
Answer: AA.
Question: Which percentage of blood alcohol content is legally considered impaired?
Answer: 0.08.